Financial Intelligence now at UANL
As an effect of its dual mode of study, this new course allows students to learn both from the classroom and from banking institutions, the latter being the UANL cooperation agreement.
UANL’s President Santos Guzmán López began the new dual degree program in Financial Intelligence as part of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León start of academic activities for this year’s semester.
Santos Guzmán stated that the first generation of this course is composed of a total of 31 students, whom will be part of a program able to strengthen itself at the School of Accounting and Business Management semester by semester with the main objective of fulfilling the participant institutions expectations.
‘‘Our partners, such as the banking industry, will be the ones contributing to strengthening this dual program, in other words, students will be in the classrooms, as well as participating in banking institutions thanks to cooperation agreements signed with them”.
Santos Guzmán López
UANL’s President
Santos Guzmán thanked América Flores Romero participation, acknowledging her relevance in the matter as the Director of the Department of Control and Supervision of The National Commission for the Protection and Defense of the Users of Financial Services (CONDUSEF), stating the University pleasure to receive feedback from her part.
Development alongside the Financial Events
About the course dual mode of study, the UANL president expressed the necessity for the students to keep up with their major, where the Maximum Academic Institution takes a supporting role in their studies.
On the other hand, School of Accounting and Business Management’ Principal Luis Alberto Villarreal Villarreal emphasized the main idea for this dual mode of study, where its relevance lies on the cooperation agreements with national banking institutions, allowing the student development alongside the national financial events.
Bachelor’s Degree in Financial Intelligence
+ To train professionals in financial intelligence capable of being ethical and competent in strategically managing financial resources in various fields of the banking and financial sector.
+ To make substantiated decisions for investment, developing financial products and regulating financial activities based on in-depth data analysis, as well as risk assessment and understanding of economic and regulatory dynamics.
Posted by: Portal Web