

UANL heartfelt contribution

During the blood donation campaign hosted by the City of Monterrey, UANL's medical team received donors at the University Hospital's Blood Bank, which was installed at City Hall.

According to the World Health Organization, 6 out of 10 people will require blood donation at least once in their lifetime.

Therefore, thanks to voluntary donors and to raise awareness of the need to join this practice, June 14 was established as World Blood Donor Day.

Growing demand for blood donations

The head of the blood bank of the University Hospital stated that due to the higher number of patients in the health centers and the longer life expectancy, blood banks will require more donors.

In particular, Mexican blood banks face a number of challenges that must be overcome to obtain donors. Some of the barriers to donation tend to be myths such as:

– Donating blood is fattening.
– It leaves people weak and they can get sick.
– It causes chronic anemia.
– It can cause heart attacks.
– It causes infertility.

“With a single donation we can help four people,” said Diaz Chuc, noting that Mexico is in the last place of altruistic donation in Latin America.

It should be noted that any person between 18 and 65 years of age can be a donor, and that a man can donate four times a year, while a woman can donate three times a year.

Posted by: Portal Web UANL